Hurst Green
The village of Hurst Green in East Sussex lies a mile or so north of the River Rother and the same distance south of the Kent Ditch.
Burgh Hill and Burgh Wood
Just to the west of Hurst Green, Burgh Hill is the possible site of a burgh, or fortified camp, thought to date from the time of King Alfred the Great. It doesn't take much imagine that Burgh Hill would have been a fine place for a fortification, overlooking the Rother and protected by steep slopes.
Places of interest around Hurst Green
Interesting places in and around Hurst Green include:- Merriments Gardens is a relatively new garden which has earned a good reputation quickly.
- The Church of the Holy Trinity in Hurst Green is a red brick church which was built in 1884;
- Great Wigsell is a beautiful mansion owned by the Culpepper family for centuries which is two miles east of Hurst Green.
More about Hurst Green
Hurst Green is twinned with the German village of Ellerhoop, north of Hamburg.
Hurst Green travel notes
Hastings is the nearest big town to Hurst Green, about 12 miles south along the A21 road.Hurst Green sits at the intersection of the A21 and the A265 roads.
The nearest railway station to Hurst Green is at the village of Etchingham, just over a mile to the west.
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